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Enhance Your Smile with Gum Contouring

Rediscover Confidence and Aesthetics with Expert Gum Contouring at Smile Studio Ashford

At Smile Studio Ashford, we understand the transformative power of a beautiful smile. Sometimes, uneven or excessive gum tissue can impact the overall harmony of your smile. Our specialized gum contouring services are designed to address these concerns, improving both aesthetics and oral health.

Why Choose Gum Contouring?


Enhanced Aesthetics

Gum contouring can correct a gummy smile or uneven gumline, revealing more of your teeth and creating a harmonious smile.

Artificial jaw in the dentist's office

Improved Oral Health:

Beyond aesthetics, gum contouring can eliminate pockets where bacteria can accumulate, improving oral hygiene and preventing gum disease.


Minimally Invasive

This procedure is typically minimally invasive and causes minimal discomfort, with most patients experiencing a swift recovery.

The Gum Contouring Process:

  1. Consultation: Your journey to a more balanced smile begins with a consultation. During this visit, our dental professionals will discuss your concerns and conduct a thorough examination to determine the best approach.

  2. Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on the evaluation, a personalized treatment plan will be created, outlining the specific areas for contouring and the expected results.

  3. Precision Reshaping: The gum contouring procedure is performed with precision, typically using laser technology to remove excess gum tissue and achieve the desired gumline shape.

  4. Swift Recovery: Most patients experience a rapid recovery, with minimal discomfort, and can resume their daily routines soon after the procedure.

Transform Your Smile Today!

Are you ready to rediscover the full potential of your smile? Contact us today to schedule your gum contouring consultation. Our skilled team is committed to delivering an exceptional experience and helping you achieve a more aesthetically pleasing, confident smile. Explore the art of gum contouring at [Your Dental Practice Name] and embrace the beauty of a harmonious grin.

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